Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Norman Love Chocolates #12: Peanut Butter & Jelly

It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time! (I know, I'm sorry, but the song did get in my head when I found out that I would be eating the Peanut Butter & Jelly chocolate.) This chocolate was on my wishlist to try out, so I'm really happy it was in the box.

When I was a kid, I thought you could make peanut butter by mashing up peanuts in butter, so I used to ask my mom to make me sandwiches with crunchy peanut butter, jelly, and butter. My logic was that I was making some sort of magic peanut butter in addition to the stuff already on the sandwich. Also, I thought I saw Mr. Rogers do it originally but I was thinking, "Nah, he probably just did a tour of a factory and I remembered it wrong." So I did a little googling and in fact a bunch of people remember the episode where he mixed together peanuts and butter to make "peanut butter".

Also, when my dad was a kid, my grandma Marge used to make peanut butter & jelly sandwiches by mixing together the peanut butter and jelly in a bowl and spreading it on the bread at one time. I know there's a jar you can buy like that now but she was totally ahead of her time, people.

This chocolate tastes as delicious as it looks. The "jelly" is strawberry and it's very nice and smooth and pairs perfectly with the smooth, thick peanut butter. It tastes like a Reese's peanut butter cup with a dollop of jam on top. In fact, that would be a good idea for the Reese's company to market. Or how about this: Nutella, peanut butter, and strawberry jam sandwiches! Yum. I would definitely like to eat a few more of these chocolates.

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