Saturday, January 8, 2011

Norman Love Chocolates #6: Mango

Mango is one of those fruits that I can't get enough of in the summer. I especially enjoy Champagne mangos, which have a creamy texture and sweeter flesh than regular mangos--they taste sort of like a Bellini. However, in the winter, I crave other fruits and if I eat a mango, it just doesn't taste the same. I know it's the wrong season, but it's not so much a taste issue as it is an issue of context--just like eating a pumpkin pie in June.

The inside was very fruity, pretty faithful to what a can of mango puree tastes like. It was very sweet, and I'm not sure if it's because of the whole eating-a-mango-in-winter issue that I have, but it started to tasted a little artificial. Sort of like how eating a strawberry candy compares to eating an actual strawberry. I'm sure it's just me, however--with the quality of these chocolates I can't imagine them using anything other than mango puree to make this truffle. I would rather try this again when it's hot out.

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